Monday 28 April 2014

The Monroe Legacy - G.2. Chapter 4 - Red is the Colour of...

Disclaimer - This chapter contains some adult language and as such is rated PG-13.

As the plane touched down in Boston Hallie felt a surge of excitement. No longer some naive fresher, this term promised new heights of excitement, rebellion and maybe even romance - as long as she could keep her grades up!

Cai welcomed her back to the dorm in his usual informal fashion though he told her with a grimace that he'd broken up with his girlfriend over Christmas. She hugged him consolingly and was relieved when their new dorm mate barged in after he held on for a little too long.

Luna was taking Hanna's old room next door and was as quirky and pleasant as Hanna had been bitter. Hallie revelled in having a girl to chat to again and after an initial warm-up period as Cai got territorial the three of them became a gang of hell-raisers on campus.

Having witnessed  her sisters happiness Hallie was determined to find a suitable candidate to give her heart to and had resolved to put all thoughts of Professor Petersen out of her mind. 

She went on a few dates with other students but had yet to find anyone who gave her the kind of butterflies that the Professor's handshake had caused. Still, Hallie figured there was plenty of choice, especially if the crowd of co-eds who found excuses to share the bathroom with her was any indication!

Her love life was not helped by Cai behaving like a protective brother and chasing off anyone he deemed unworthy - that seemed to be everyone! Hallie started trying to set him up with Luna so he'd give her a bit of peace. 

Half way through the term at a faculty/student mixer a hand on Hallie's elbow undid all the work she'd been doing to forget a certain pair of green eyes. 

'Did you have an enjoyable Christmas and term so far?' Professor Petersen enquired with a smile, 'I'd hoped to see more of you around campus'.

Forcing down the butterflies in her stomach Hallie replied politely, 'Wonderful thank you sir. Are your family well?'

Professor Petersen looked a little surprised by the formality of her answer, apparently taken aback that the giddy stuttering girl he'd impressed before Christmas was gone. He soon collected himself and plowed on.

'I wonder if I might speak to you for a moment outside' he asked, sounding a little nervous. 

Despite Cai looking daggers at her and her own conscience telling her not to let him in, Hallie found her feet taking her away from the safety of the crowd and out in to the evening.

'Listen Hallie, I hope this isn't presumptuous of me but I've seen your work around the place and I'm so impressed by your talent. I was wondering if you'd consider painting me something I could give my parents as a gift for their ruby wedding anniversary?'

Hallie felt a little deflated, 'No that's not presumptuous' she replied - she'd been hoping he might be a little more presumptuous in fact! 'When would you need it by?' 

'It's not for a couple of months. It can be anything - but maybe include red - it's the Ruby one after all! I'll pay you for it and maybe we could meet occasionally to discuss your progress.'

Hallie found herself agreeing and promised herself that she'd paint his parents something so unforgettable that even if he never saw her as more than a student he'd think of her kindly when he viewed it.

Inspiration flowed easily, she found herself sketching ideas constantly and was soon ready to put brush to canvas, so she called in on the professor to discuss her concept.

As Hallie talked him through her idea she could feel his eyes on her, his breath close to her ear as they bent over her sketchbook. His hand was inches from hers on the table and she inhaled sharply as a waft of crisp aftershave reached her nose. 

As they stood up Hallie looked him dead in the eyes and saw what looked like desire, but it was quickly masked by regret and then a blank look as he stepped away and forced a smile.

'These look marvellous Miss Monroe,' he said stiffly, before excusing himself and leaving poor Hallie blushing and uncertain in the quad.

Confused and a little embarassed Hallie called up Cai and Luna and the three of them decided to attend a rowdy protest that night. After a few cups of juice and with her friends cheering her on Hallie leapt up on the podium and delivered an impassioned speech about social divisions and how stupid they were. She couldn't help hoping that the video got back to Professor Petersen.

This developed in to a pattern. Hallie met with Professor Peterson weekly to discuss his commission. It would go well until the mood changed, she'd look up to find him staring at her mouth, or he'd slip and ask her something personal before clearing his throat and making an excuse to leave.

Hallie had no idea how to handle it, she knew she wanted him like she'd never wanted a man before and sometimes it seemed like he wanted her too, but she couldn't understand why he didn't either step in and claim her or leave her alone.

She could only talk about it with Luna, Cai had made it clear he thought her little crush was ridiculous and that he thought Professor Petersen was an ass for many reasons. But soon even Luna tired of the drama and Hallie had to find other distractions.

Her coursework improved - she even took up a life drawing class and found Cai's form surprisingly pleasing to sketch - even if he was a little too keen to strip off for her!

But when her classes were done Hallie looked for more extreme thrills. She, Cai and Luna would hit the craziest parties and pull extreme pranks. 

The next morning Hallie would recognise that maybe she was looking to shock a certain someone into noticing her and vow to be better. But as soon as the juice was in her system she just wanted to feel the burn of danger which masked for a few hours the longing in her heart.

Soon even Cai was trying to talk her out of some of her ideas, but she carried on alone and pushed him away. The day after Hallie was arrested for streaking during the finals for Science and Medicine she finally drew a response from Professor Petersen.

He stormed into the juice kegger she was holding in her dorm with a look of fury on his face.

Hallie pointedly ignored him. She was done with the drama, she just wanted to have fun. She turned her back on him and started talking to Hanna, her face showing just how unimpressed she was to see him.

Cai watched suspiciously as Professor Petersen stared daggers at Hallie and the keg. The professor uttered a low growl and grabbing Hallie by the hand he dragged her aside. Cai followed, unseen.

'For fucks sake Hallie!' the professor exploded. 'Are you TRYING to drive me crazy and get yourself killed. What the hell are you playing at. Getting arrested? Vandalising school buildings? You are this close to getting kicked out of school! Is that what you want?'

'HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME!' Hallie screamed back, turning on her heel and storming out into the twilight. Professor Petersen followed her out and blocked her escape.

'Hallie I am not judging you. I'm worried. You were doing so well, what changed? Why are you doing this?' he reasoned.

'Why the fuck does it matter to you! You don't care about me!?' Hallie came back angrily. 'Half the time you wont even look at me.'

'Is that really what you think' he replied looking straight at her with sadness in his eyes.

'Yes! No! I.... I don't know!' said Hallie and unable to stop herself she reached out and laid her hand on his cheek. 

He tensed but he didn't move.

'Hallie... we shouldn-'

'Don't speak' she whispered and without waiting for an argument she pressed her mouth to his.


Next time on the Monore Legacy - What happens next. How will the professor react? How will Cai react? 


  1. What a fantastic chapter!!! I loved the passion they have for each other!! It's hard for him to do too much since he's her professor. She has to understand that, but she's too rebellious to care. At least, that's my assumption. ;) She's such a bad girl! :D I think it's cute that Cai is protective, but I also think he might like her, too. o_O

    1. She is naughty! I think she's freaked out about the responsibility of the legacy so she sees uni as a free pass to let out all her crazy.... And there certainly is a lot. And as far as the sexy professor yeah, she knows most of the time that his hands are tied but she wants what she can't have and damn the consequences!

  2. Hehe, what a way to get attention from the professor, almost getting yourself expelled. Not the smartest move, but definitely a really bold one. I wonder what he will think about the kiss. o.O

    1. It's certainly bold and quite possibly stupid! She's throwing herself at the situation because for the first time ever she can't just walk away with what she wants... we shall see where it gets her!

  3. Cai is creeping me out XD I've lightened up a bit to the professor but my eyes are still on him.

    1. Cai is struggling.... and yes maybe a little creepy.

  4. Wow Hallie seems to be spiraling out of control. Maybe she should learn how to communicate instead of acting out, getting arrested and expelled (almost). I like Cai and think he's a much better option than the professor.
