Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Monroe Legacy - G.1. Chapter 6 - The Past and The Future

With the home situation settled Marlie's life settled into a sort of routine. The consultation with her boss went better than expected, he made it clear that he'd like nothing more than to fire her but that he could be sued for firing a pregnant woman. Instead he put her on the lowest maternity pay he could get past HR and completely ignored her until her maternity leave began.

The months seemed to melt away, Marlie was absolutely huge and spent most of her time avoiding Ben when he deigned to appear at the trailer. Usually he was drunk and gave her a wide berth, passing out on the bathroom floor and once even in the garden. It was worse when he was sober, Ben liked nothing more than to make her uncomfortable, he seemed to relish her dependence on him and would sometimes go so for as to make her cry by yelling, just to make himself feel powerful.

She heard on the grapevine that Lauren had run off with a millionaire timber baron, perhaps this explained Ben's recent behaviour. Marlie guessed that without Lauren's fortune buying the drinks to sweeten the deal Ben's reputation was now seriously affecting his womanising capabilities. Or maybe he really cared about Lauren, perhaps they were two terrible people who belonged together.

The downside to his attitude was that Marlie was completely alone. By day she would wander around the property or watch TV, she avoided the town as it felt like people were whispering about her. She couldn't believe that in less than a year she'd already made an enemy of her boss and that he was spreading lies about her wanton ways around the neighbourhood.

She got so lonely she even tried to befriend the dog again, the puppies were so sweet, but the dog's hackles rose and it snarled threateningly at her. Later that night it chewed a hole in the blankets in the baby's second hand crib.

Ben's court case came up in her seventh month, she dutifully took the stand and truthfully answered that he had put a roof over her head and was supporting her financially. She needed Ben to stay on her side and he said he wouldn't give her the deed for the trailer unless she left out the absence, the deal and the drinking.

Marlie stayed quiet and a week later Ben handed her a ragged piece of paper. The trailer was hers. Relief washed over her as she realised that soon she would be standing on her own again, free from Ben's poisonous presence. She had decided that as soon as the baby came and she was at full strength she would kick him out.

In the last months of her pregnancy Marlie began to enjoy herself. The movements inside her were reassuring, she'd never considered having a baby before but she found that she couldn't wait to meet this little one. Ben seemed to notice her happiness and seemed determined to get in her way. He took to following her around, and stopped driving her to the shops "kindly" insisting she needed rest when really he just didn't like her to have the chance to make friends . Marlie didn't care, she'd  learned to ignore him and took comfort from knowing how cold his lean-to must be in the unseasonably cold weather - she still wouldn't let him sleep in the house!

One morning the mailman delivered another mystery package. Marlie had never figured out who NJ was and hoped that this might explain. She opened the box to reveal a familiar guitar case and tears began to stream down her face.

As she lifted the guitar out she ran her name over the initials carved into the neck, GM for Georgia Monroe. This was her mother's old guitar and she hadn't seen it since she was small. Those days were her happiest memories, before her dad came home from the army when it was just her and her mom.

There was a note tucked under the strings which read

From your mother for your daughter -NJ

Marlie vowed she would find NJ one day to say thank you and find out how they knew her mother. She remembered being told that her gran had given the guitar to her mom and that one day she would pass it to her own daughter. As she gently strummed the familiar instrument she felt connected to her past and certain of her future. 

As Marlie played to her bump every day Ben would try to spoil it for her. Craving her attention, he would bring the dog out of the lean-to where they both slept and make it bark right  by her side.  Even Ben's mean spirited acts couldn't spoil these moments, Marlie knew that her mom was watching over her and her baby.

That night Marlie woke to excruciating pain and a wet bed. She knew that the baby was coming and she'd never felt anything so terrifying, like she was tearing in half and collapsing in on herself all at once. She screamed for Ben and he eventually shuffled in, half drunk and half asleep. After freaking out for a while he soon lost interest and when Marlie begged to go to the hospital he admitted he hadn't organised the insurance he'd promised.

Marlie knew she was in this alone and as the night wore on she tried to remember what all the pregnancy books she'd got from the library had said. Ben even had the gall to call Lauren again and beg for her to take him back, turning his back on Marlie. He wasn't even in the room when the baby came.

The tiny thing was a girl and under all of the gunk Marlie could see she was absolutely beautiful, the  spitting image of her mum. Ben finally reappeared and said that Lauren had sent over her doctor to check them over. He took the baby, barely even looking at it and cleaned it up.

When he returned Marlie was a very funny colour, curled in a ball.

'It hurts so bad' she whispered, clutching her belly.

Ben didn't know what to do, never in his useless life had he had to take care of anyone but himself.
He put the baby in the crib and started to hyperventilate when Lauren's doctor arrived. Doctor Harris rushed to Marlie's aid and peered under the bedding.

'There's another baby' she said calmly, 'and it's breach'. Quickly she set Ben to work, boiling water and sterilising her instruments. An hour later after a terrifying labour, a second girl was delivered and both Marlie and the baby were declared safe.

Ben was completely shaken by the experience, his selfishness had almost cost two lives. As the doctor left, Marlie was sleeping and Ben sat blindly rocking his second little girl, staring at the forcep marks on her tiny face and feeling for the first time what might possibly be love for another being.

In the weeks that followed Marlie recovered slowly and Ben seemed a changed man. She hadn't seen him touch a drink and he would help her up for the night feeds and sing to his girls.

Marlie named them Lola and Belle and they couldn't have been more dissimilar -even though they were twins.

Lola was the eldest, a little cutie with her mums colouring and looks and her dad's eyes. She was born naturally good but she soon began to prefer to spend time alone, cuddling with her bear and playing xylophone.

Belle was her dad's favourite, she had his hair and face and her moms eyes, he often wondered if maybe his failure to provide for her birth had affected her looks as she'd had to be pulled out by force. She was a friendly girl but she seemed to have a tendency to be a little crazy, perhaps her difficult beginning had also left her slightly insane.

As the girls grew quickly into adorable toddlers, Marlie knew that she had to make a choice about Ben. Could she trust that he had changed or should she go with her gut and send him away before he messed them around and the girls got used to him being there. 

Which of the girls do you think is cuter, Lola,all rosy cheeks and blonde hair or quirky Belle? Let me know in the comments!

Next time in the Monroe Legacy - Find out what becomes of Marlie and Ben's relationship, can she trust him again? Marlie returns to work with the boss from hell and the search for NJ begins.

Click here to read The Monroe Legacy - G. 1. Chapter 7 - True Colours now!

Rose XX


  1. Loved this episode. Poor Marlie, having to give birth on her own...
    I don't know which of the girls I like best, because I think Lola is prettier, but there is something about Belle which makes her really cute.
    Hope to see Ben change, and perhaps become a good father <3

    1. Totally agree, Lola is easy to appreciate while Belle is one of those sims where sometimes I'm like aww you're sweet and then other moment I'm like 'holy cow what happened to your face'
      It kinda makes her more interesting though!

  2. Poor Marlie indeed. Twins!!! I still don't trust Ben though... >___>;
    I think both girls are very cute! I can't wait to see them growing up! :)
    Also, I am wondering if NJ is the guy in the baseball cap from earlier...!!!

    1. Hi Serin, thanks for all your comment, I'm glad you're enjoying my legacy!

      I was completely surprised by the twins. She didn't have fertility and she barely watched any TV... Ironic I get them unexpectedly and the other times I've wanted them and can't get them at all!

      Interesting NJ theory... There's more info on that coming in tonight's chapter....

  3. I still don't trust Ben, but kids can change you, at least for awhile. Then, once they don't "need" you as much, you start to look to yourself again. Right now, my chance of him being truly changed is only sitting at 35%. :)

    I put a note in the Legacy Tips forum about widening your blog since the pics don't fit inside the blog (with writing) itself. There are detailed instructions on how to fix it. :)

    I am honestly a blonde lover (though I have boring brown However, I sometimes enjoy sims that are different as they make for more interesting stories. :) So, I don't know who I would pick. :)

    1. Haha yep, Be. Is certainly not the ideal father figure... Perhaps he can do it. We shall see..... :p

      I'll have a go at sorting my widths this evening... It's been annoying a me no end!

      And I love a blonde too... I'm glad I have options as I don't wanna be a legacy who has blonde heirs only... Gets a little dull after 9 generations!

    2. You fixed your widths!! Yay!! It looks awesome!!!!

      Yeah, I'm so very excited for you all to see the next few chapters, though I've not written any of them yet. :) I need to buckle down now, but I just ordered dinner, I have to go pick up my kids after I eat, then put them to bed when I get home. Hopefully, then I can settle down a little. Been busy all day cleaning the car out and switching my old purse to new purse. Also, I watched Frozen at the same time (purse switch) and I was really surprised at how well it turned out. I LOVE Kristen Bell (no one could ever beat Veronica show ever, well in mystery crime girl Oh, and that girl can sing, too, who knew! It looks like you have another chapter, so I'm off to read it. :)

  4. Hmm... Ben is taking the "good dad" approach... for now. LOL, I don't really know if he will keep doing it, though, he might have something up his sleeve. I like Lola better. Aww NJ again. How sweet of them to give her a guitar. :)

    1. NJ certainly is a riddle - why are they being nice but not revealing themselves....?!

      Ben is certainly not to be trusted and Lola did draw the better gene mix - poor wee Belle!

  5. I really like Lola but Belle may grow into her face and live up to her name. (I say may but they're probably already teens or even adults in your game currently XD )
    I'm not sure if I trust Ben but we shall see! I really love your story :3

    1. Haha yes... I am a little ahead. It's unfortunate that Lola is really the Belle of the ball! I won't give anything away but she doesn't grow up too bad.

      I'm so glad you're enjoying it... It's so much more fun writing if you know people are likening reading it... Makes the tricky patches worth it xx

  6. Haha, they're cute! And I love the names, short and sweet :) Ben is getting a little more responsible... a little more husband-worthy even? XD

    1. Yep - I kinda plumped for names - I just picked ones I liked that went with Monoe - as the generations roll on no doubt the agonising will begin!

      Hmm husband worth.... we shall see!

  7. Marlie and the little girls deserve better than Ben. Ben may change seem to have changed but I think it's just momentary and that he'll go back to his old ways.

    1. Kids certainly change things but Ben has some serious personality defects to overcome if he's going to make it work!

  8. Both girls are pretty, but I think Belle is looking more unique. For some reason. I do think Lola's eyes are prettier... tough choice ;-)

    For some reason I expected there was a little bit of good in Ben. I don't know whether she should trust him now, my gut says he's changed and is a little more reliable. But he was a major ass before...

    1. I couldn't believe how different they turned out, it's crazy. I alsways like quirky pretty but Lola is beautiful too!

      Ben is certainly having a moment.... Whether it can last is another question!
