Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Monroe Legacy - G.1. Chapter 16 - First Dates and Heartbreaks

That evening Marlie left the Jeans mansion - though she supposed she should start calling in something else now - with a weight on her shoulders. She had thought that having answers would set her mind at ease and free her to enjoy the wonderful family she was building but instead she now had to look at everything differently.

As she walked back to her house in the rain she felt a wave of sorrow at the death of her mother. She'd always believed her to be dead but knowing the details, knowing that she hadn't been wantonly abandoned forced Marlie to feel the sadness like she'd never felt it before. It had always been numbed by a wall of anger and betrayal but now it was raw, fresh and agonising. Brody was out at work and she knew that she couldn't share her burden with him anyway - it would be too hard to explain where she'd learned all this new information. Marlie curled under the sheets and cried as though her heart would break.

Outside and oblivious to the secret turmoil of her mother, Lola Monroe was experiencing a whole different flood of emotions. Since meeting Carson they had been inseparable, they studied together, speaking little and looking away when they were each caught staring at the other.

They talked constantly, on the phone and in person, once becoming so lost in their conversation that they suddenly found the sun rising before they had said goodnight.

Lola knew that Carson liked her but she also knew he had a girlfriend. Carson spent so much time moaning about Sha Sha (yes that was her name) that Lola was sick of it. That night she plucked up her courage as they stood chatting under the old willow on the edge of their plot.

'Carson' she began, feeling the nerves flooding her stomach. 'I know it's not really my place but if Sha Sha makes you so unhappy - why don't you break up with her.'

Carson looked sheepish. 'I know, I keep trying to but she's so oblivious that every time I try she doesn't seem to notice.'

Lola was irritated, 'That's the stupidest thing I've heard. Why would you stay with her if you're so unhappy. If I was your girlfriend, I'd... I'd... I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. Forget I said anything'.

Carson looked shocked, 'Lola...' he said disbelievingly , 'do you want to be my girlfriend'.

Lola just blushed and stared at her shoes.

'If I'd only known I had a chance with you!' Carson continued, 'Lola you're gorgeous and smart, I never thought in a million years you'd want to be with me. I would never have kept on with Sha Sha if I'd known! Lola, wont you look at me.'

And as Lola lifted eyes full of disbelief and hope to meet his, in the moon shadows of the old willow Carson pulled her close and kissed her.

Carson broke up with Sha Sha the next day and made it official with Lola, keeping it quiet so as not to unecessarily hurt Sha Sha's feelings. Lola had never been happier.

But as one relationship blossomed another was experiencing problems.

Brody had noticed a change in Marlie. She seemed unhappy and distant, making a lot of hushed phone calls, going out at strange times and refusing to tell him what was the matter. He was working long hours to prepare for the babies and he knew it was hard on her, but she wouldn't open up and there was nothing he could do to stop her pushing him further and further away.

Confronting her only led to arguments and he could feel a rift opening up between them. Brody tried to put it down to stress and hormones but he could tell there was something more. Something she wasn't telling him.

But time waits for no secret and before anything could be done the babies were on their way.

Brody was out at work when Marlie went in to labour so she called a cab and went to the hospital, knowing that she'd be foolish to try and deliver twins on her own.

The labour was quick and was over by the time Brody got there, he found an exhausted Marlie with two tiny people in her arms. Another girl and his much longed for boy.

They brought the babies home to meet their excited siblings and began trying to choose names. The girl was easy, after everything she had discovered Marlie wanted to name her daughter for her mother. Brody was a little perplexed given his understanding of the situation, but agreed that Georgia was a pretty name for his daughter.

Their son was rather more of a challenge - nothing seemed to fit until they were scanning their bookshelf in desperate need of inspiration and came across Belle's dog-eared edition of The Importance of Being Earnest. The little boy had such a serious expression that the title seemed made for him. They named him Oscar after the playwright.

Marlie was so busy that she didn't have time to take Norma Jeane's phone calls and she stopped agreeing to meet her. As much as she wanted to know her half-sister she could see the improvement in her family life when she wasn't lying to her husband. As stressful as twins had been the first time, with the two of them working together having three kids under the age of four was almost fun!

Brody and Marlie were slowly repairing their relationship, he was always finding ways to surprise her and make her feel special. Without Norma-Jeane and her secrets Marlie could find the time for the two of them be together.

The months ticked by and Marlie continued to ignore Norma-Jeane, until Brody finally plucked up the courage to ask what all of the secrecy had been about. Marlie told him not to worry, that it was over, but she knew that she had to face up to the situation.

The next day she called Norma-Jeane and asked her to come to the house that evening, promising that Brody would be at work and the girls out of the way. Norma-Jeane reluctantly agreed.

 Norma-Jeane, I'm sorry' began Marlie, 'I know you know I've been avoiding you but I think you need to know why'

She nodded and gestured for Marlie to continue.

'Before Oscar and Georgia were born I was lying to Brody. Every day I had to make some excuse as to why I was sad, who I was calling, where I was going. And it was destroying us. You and I both know how hard it is to build a family that can survive in this often unfair world, we've both seen what happens when it fails. I would love to have you in my life, but if you're going to be in my life then I have to be honest with my family. I'm putting everything that happened with mom and daddy in the past, I'm asking you to be a part of my present, but if you can't take the chance I will understand.'

Norma-Jeane let out a long breath.

'I thought that might be what you were going to say' she said. 'I've asked you and my son and husband to live lies for me and I know that it isn't fair. If I'm going to live a life that's worth the trouble I've taken to survive then I have to start trusting the people I'm sharing it with. Tell Brody. If you trust him then I will have to learn to trust him too.

Besides, I'm dying to meet all these gorgeous children of yours - especially little Georgia, I always wanted a daughter I could name for mom - now I at least have a niece!'

Marlie couldn't believe what she was hearing, she hadn't dared to believe that Norma-Jeane would allow her to tell Brody, she had been preparing herself to say good-bye to her half-sister without ever really knowing her.

'Do you want to come in and wait for Brody to get home,' she asked, 'you can meet the girls and Oscar if you like?'

'Okay' Norma-Jean agreed, 'as long as there's time before Brody returns to discuss how and what we're going to tell him. He doesn't need all of the details, that will only put us all in unnecessary danger'.

Marlie took Norma-Jeane's arm and led her into her home where they disturbed Lola and Carson who had been cuddling on the sofa.

Seeing Carson, Norma-Jeane's face turned white.

'Carson,' she whispered, 'what are you doing here'.

Marlie looked at them both in confusion, 'How do you know Lola's boyfriend?' she asked.

Norma-Jeane looked sadly at Lola and Carson before replying in a subdued tone,

'Marlie.... Carson is my son.'


Next time on The Monroe Legacy - Lola and Carson struggle to deal with the truth, Brody meets Norma Jeane and lots of birthdays take place.


  1. I almost peed my pants. LOL!!! Carson is Norma's son? LOL!! That doesn't bode well for them, does it. Glad that Norma-Jean decided that family was worth the risk, but bad for Lola. Oh my, I just can't stop laughing!!!!! :) Great ending! I love it!

    1. Bwahahahaha! I felt so mean though... I knew after the big reveal I'd need something to keep the drama up so I planned various things, none of which was this. Imagine my surprise when loner Lola brings home Carson fom school and starts rolling flirt wants.

      Now I feel terrible though, because they're not actually related in game (I had to create Norma and he) so I might have to brewskis her little heart for no reason and she's so happy :(

  2. I seen it coming, but still laughed my a$$ off.

    I just spent the past few hours reading you legacy and I had only meant to read a few posts before going to bed... but it seems that's not quite what happened... so now that I'm caught up, I'm going to bed at 4am; anxiously waiting for the next post.

    BTW thanks for stopping by my legacy today... erm yesterday... well you know.

    1. Heya, thanks so much for stopping by! I was up reading yours til 3am too... The things I'll do for a good story! Sorry for all the comment spam!

      Thanks for reading and commenting, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be updating later today :)

      Hope you got some sleep X

  3. Ooh! :) I'm really happy Norma-Jeane and Marlie agreed to tell Brody a little bit anyway. It would be so much better for him if he knew Marlie was just going to hang out with her half-sister. I could see Brody thinking the worst, like an affair, or thinking that Marlie didn't love him anymore.
    So Carson is Norma-Jeane's son... I wonder if that's good or bad news for Lola. XD

    1. Definitely! It was an arc that I considered, having Brody get really upset because their relationship really did suffer when she was off gallivanting with NJ. But as with many of these things it would've taken the whole story in an arc of nothing but unnecessary melodrama and whilst I'm a fan of melodrama I wanted to write a mystery/romance story and not a new version of A Series of Unfortunate Events!

  4. Oh my goodness, they're cousins?!? That's so VC Andrews of you ;D I love it!

    1. Pahaha I know. Poor Lola, she finally finds a guy and plucks up the courage then BAM

  5. I'm glad Brody will be let in. I was happy for Lola... but now... OH MY GOSH COUSINS oh dear xD man!!!

    1. Yes, I decided that Marlie would have had enough of secrets and gave Norma an ultimatum, ultimately her kids and husband would trump long-lost sister.

      And I knooow, I felt so bad - I moved the Jeans in and then Lola shows up with Carson and all these flirt wants so I went with it knowing it wouldnt end well. Now I feel so guilty!

  6. OMG!! Poor Lola and Carson, they madde such a cute couple :(
    I can't wait for Brody and the kids to meet Norma

    1. Hahah I know... It's too cruel when Lola just overcame her loner ways and fell in love!

  7. Hahahaha Carson and Lola are cousins XD that's hilarious
    Oh I have to keep reading now XD

    1. I knowwww, it was so mean on them but kinda funny!

  8. Cousins...oops! Lol!

    1. Hehe yeah - It was too cruel but kinda funny

  9. I could see that happening as soon as NJ agreed to let Brody & family in on the secret. That's so sad that their hearts are going to broken because they're cousins.
